Nancy L. Willis
Nancy Willis was elected City Clerk Treasurer in November of 2023. She serves as the Clerk to the legislative body and head of the city department of finance. Prior to becoming Clerk-Treasurer Nancy has owned and operated several businesses.
Duties of Clerk-Treasurer
Prepare agenda and all necessary documents for Common Council meetings
Maintain all records required by law
Keep the city seal
Serve as clerk to the legislative body and Board of Public Works
Responsible for the billing and collection of the utility’s rates and charges
As fiscal officer some of the duties include:
Receive and care for all city money and pay money out only on order of the Common Council
Keep accounts showing when and from what sources the city money has been receive and to whom paid out
Prescribe payroll and account forms for all city offices
Manage the finances and account forms of the city and make investments of city money
Prepare for the legislative body the budget estimates of miscellaneous revenue, financial statements and the proposed tax rate
Issue all licenses authorized by statute and collect the fees fixed by ordinance