Board of Public Works and Safety
The Board of Public Works and Safety consists of three members appointed by the mayor. The mayor serves as one of the three members. Board members must be residents of the city but may hold other municipal appointed or elected offices. The Clerk-Treasurer is the clerk of the board. The Board oversees various public works projects, the city’s water utility, the city’s wastewater utility, and the public safety work of the police and fire departments. The powers of the board are outlined in various sections of Title 36 of the Indiana Code.
The Board of Public Works and Safety meets the third ###### of the month at ##### p.m., at City Hall. Special meetings may be called from time to time.
Board of Zoning Appeals
Of the five members of the Board of Zoning Appeals, the mayor appoints two at large members and one from the Plan Commission, one member is appointed by the Plan Commission from between its two members from the unincorporated area around the city, and one member is appointed by the Common Council. The board hears requests for development standards variances, use variances, special exception uses and flood hazard area standards variances..
The Board of Zoning Appeals meets as needed on the first ###### of the month at ###### p.m., at City Hall.
Redevelopment Commission
Mayor appoints three members and a nonvoting adviser from South Vermillion Community Schools Corporation Board of Trustees, City Council appoints two.
Meets fourth #######of each month, ###### at City Hall.
Parks and Recreation Board
Mayor appoints 4 members, Library Board appoints one of its own members, School Board appoints one of its own members. Term of office is four years for regular members and one year for ex officio members.
Meets first ######of the month, ###### at City Hall or TBA